Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Let the paleo-blogging commence!

Hello there and welcome to my brand new paleo-blog!

A place where I get to finally write down my thoughts on new (and old) findings in vertebrate paleontology. I will say that the majority of this blog will most likely be dinosaur-oriented, but what can I say, I can't help myself. It will probably stretch from the norm a little bit as I work on ornithischian dinosaurs (I mean, come on...the plant-eaters are just THAT much cooler. And yes, I do think sauropodomorphs are great too, even though they aren't ornithischians... :P But hey...I'm biased.). I will, however, talk about other issues concerning theropods as well (including origin of birds/bird flight. etc.). Basically, it will just be a compilation of whatever thoughts I have on issues in the field. Everyone's input is highly appreciated, as I feel the best science is the kind involving everyone collaborating to find the best possible answers. And no verbal fighting is allowed. Civility is all I ask when commenting on my site. :)

A little bit about myself: I am currently a doctoral graduate student at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (started August 2009) working under the supervision and mentoring of Dr. David Weishampel, a HUGE contributor to dinosaur paleontology and an incredibly kind man. I received my Bachelor's in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology with departmental honors at the University of Kansas, where I studied vertebrate paleontology, comparative anatomy, and zoology under such names as Dr. Larry Martin and Dr. Robert Timm. I grew up a suburban Kansas boy and am now ended up in urban Baltimore, Maryland. So far life has been fantastic and everyone has been incredibly helpful and kind.

My research interests include the evolution of jaw mechanics in ornithischian dinosaurs, specifically the implications of the predentary bone as well as all other factors.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy my site!

~Ali Nabavizadeh

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